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郭星 博士后


E- Mail:guoxustc@ustc.edu.cn



[1]Wu J , Guo X , Yang G , et al. Substructure Similarity Search for Engineering Service-Based Systems[J]. Journal of Systems and Software, 2020:110569.
[2] Guo X , Yin S C , Zhang Y W , et al. Cold Start Recommendation Based on Attribute-Fused Singular Value Decomposition[J]. IEEE Access, 2019:1-1.
[3] Wu J , Guo X , Yang G , et al. Subgraph Query for Building Service-Based Systems[J]. IEEE Access, 2019.
[4]Zhang Y W , Cui G M , Guo X , et al. A Service Composition Optimization Method Based on Task-Granulating[J]. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica, 2018, 46(1):245-251.
[5]Yiwen Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Xing Guo,等. Self-Adaptive K-Means Based on a Covering Algorithm[J]. 2018.
[6] Guo X , Zhang J , Li W , et al. A fruit fly optimization algorithm with a traction mechanism and its applications[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,13,11(2017-11-01), 2017, 13(11):155014771773983.
[7]Xing G , Shanshan C , Yiwen Z , et al. Service Composition Optimization Method Based on Parallel Particle Swarm Algorithm on Spark[J]. Security & Communication Networks, 2017, 2017:1-8.